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Rabbit Angels Rabbit Rescue
Application to Foster Rabbits
and Waiver/Release

We are fortunate to have volunteers to promote the mission and vision of the rescue. In order to ensure all volunteers are aware of their risks in performing the required tasks, we request that you complete, review and sign the included Waiver and Release. Thank you.

* These Questions are Required

First Name*

Last Name*

Email Address*

Street Address*




Cell/Text Number*
TEN (10) digit phone number, no spaces or other characters
i.e. 2695551234

Date of Birth*

How did you find out about Rabbit Angels Rabbit Rescue?*

Have you ever owned a rabbit in the past?*

Is anyone in your household allergic to rabbits or hay? If yes, please explain.*

How many people live in your home? What are the ages of any children?*

Do you own or rent your home? ( Own / Rent )*

Does anyone smoke inside of your home? ( Yes / No )*

If you rent, are pets allowed?
Do you have permission from your landlord to own a rabbit?
Please include the name and phone number of your landlord.

Do you have other pets in your home? What types of animals do you have? If you currently have rabbits, please describe them in detail, such as male or female, neutered or intact.*

If you currently have a rabbit please indicate below if it:
  1. has ever been diagnosed with EC (Encephalitozoon cuniculi)
  2. has ever been diagnosed with pasturella
  3. is vaccinated for RHDV2

Will the rabbit(s) be around the other animal(s)?

What type of pen, cage or set up do you have, or plan to have?*
Please describe

What will you do with the rabbit(s) if you leave for an extended period of time, such as vacation?*

What opportunities will the rabbit(s) have for exercise?*

Do you have experience trimming animal's nails?*

Are you willing to bring the rabbit to events?*

Are you willing to help promote the rabbit for adoption, and promote the rescue?*

RARR has compiled a collection of helpful information including Rabbit Savvy Vets and Rabbit Care tips, - please read through the resources.

Do you have any initial questions? Would you like further information?

Please upload a copy of your drivers license or state id*



In case of emergency, I authorize Rabbit Angels Rabbit Rescue, to notify the contacts listed below:


Name *



Phone *


Name *



Phone *

    Please check each box to indicate that you have read, understood, and agree to that section.

  1. * I acknowledge that my services are provided strictly on a volunteer basis, without pay or compensation of any kind, and without liability of any nature on behalf of RARR, and all services are to be performed at my own risk.
  2. * I understand that because I may handle and / or come in contact with animals, it is important to discuss being vaccinated against tetanus with my physician and / or keeping my tetanus vaccination status current. I release RARR from all responsibility that may occur because of my not pursuing this matter further and I understand whatever decision I make concerning the status of my tetanus vaccinations is at my own risk. I have read, understand and agree to the above tetanus information.
  3. * I acknowledge and understand that as a Volunteer of RARR, I am not covered by workers’ compensation or any other insurance policy through RARR for any damages or injuries I may sustain during volunteer activities. I understand that I am responsible for obtaining health insurance coverage through an independent health insurance company.
  4. * I fully understand that as a part of my volunteer work for RARR, I will come into contact with animals either by directly handling them, fostering, or through assisting in their care and adoption. Further, I understand that working with animals carries a risk of injury, and that it is possible that I may be bitten, scratched and / or otherwise injured while performing volunteer activities.
  5. * I fully understand that as a Volunteer and / or foster home for RARR, my family may come into contact with animals at RARR events, and I and my family and / or guests may come into contact with animals in my home if I am fostering an animal. I understand that working with animals carries a risk of injury, and it is possible that my family and / or guests may be bitten, scratched and / or otherwise injured.
  6. * I understand if an accident or injury should occur, no matter how minor, that I will complete a Volunteer Injury Report form and seek any necessary medical attention utilizing my own medical insurance.
  7. * I agree that RARR may photograph my participation with RARR, and I herby release any such photographs to RARR for use in its programs, publications and purposes.
  8. * I hereby acknowledge that I am at least 18 years of age.
  9. * I agree, that by typing my name below I am signing this document, and confirming that I have read, understood, and agree to all of the sections of this Volunteer Waiver and Release. I attest to my intent to hold harmless and release from all liability, RARR or any of its past, present or future shareholders, officers, agents, the property owner, volunteers, employees or assigns, from any and all causes of actions or claims, of whatever kind of nature, arising out of being at or working at the RARR premises, representing RARR at any offsite function on behalf of RARR, for whatever cause, manner or purpose including but not limited to the care, handling, feeding, bathing or caring for the animals of RARR.

Signature - please type your name *